Saturday, December 5, 2009

number 242 riding

the path down crown street that i ride seems to be getting faster every time i do it.

last night i was trying hard to not feel like i have been totally over stimulated. pretty much it only took one phone call to get my hot feet peddling out my back gate instead of abiding my house arrest i had put on myself for the night. for some reason just lately, riding a bike seems to attract a certain amount of interaction between all sorts of people that are not on my bike.

riding along, i could feel this car weirdly driving at the same pace. actually it was a cab, filled with 5 men who had asked the driver to put that spot light they use to find addresses...on me. so i look over, yep there they all are, just looking (ogling). ignored, i keep riding. but, when they slowed their pace down to sit just behind me, i decided maybe i might like to say something to them, as that light was now suspiciously shining right on my polka dotted rear end.

so i meet their pace and look over. 'hi' i say...'hi' comes back in unison. still driving and riding at the same 15kpm. 'if you had asked me politely, i would have shown you my ass instead of having to put the spot light on it to have a good look'.

dead silence...then, 'he is getting married next week - show us!'

'too late, and you didn't say please'

zoom off.

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