Thursday, December 3, 2009

number 239 phenomenon

i was feeling lucky last night. and a random game of dice seemed to be the perfect destination for luck. someone blew on my dice, and what do you know - i won! first round dunzo...gambling is great - but when you are down to betting with foreign currency, that old 'quit while your ahead' comment some annoying person made up once upon a time is hard not to ignore.

so i left, sans money - bumped into some ladies and next thing 2 of us were telling things that were making our 3rd party pull her tshirt over her head and her ears bleed...4th party arrives with bike in tow. 2nd party gives me a late birthday present on the corner of oxford and college street which went straight on. 3rd party sneaks off, and we lose 2nd party half way down to liverpool street. 4th party and bike riding never felt so good with a big bag of licorice all sorts and a street full of pedestrians.

why and how i woke up in halo of crushed bretton biscuits, and my hands covered in bike chain grease, but a clean face is truly a phenomenon.

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