Tuesday, November 24, 2009

number 237 ink

my mother only just stop saying to me 'you don't have any tattoo's do you?' after she came to new york and we were sitting having a coffee, mid conversation she looked through my sheer black top to the middle of my chest and pointed...i looked at her directly in the eye, and stopped what i was saying...paused for a couple of seconds locked eyes, then continued on with my conversation as if the past 5 seconds were a bleep in some dream like state that we had both gone into...not another word spoken about it. really it was my friend sia's fault. it was close to christmas and her mum was there. they were both like 'lets get tattoo's'..and all of a sudden i was with a 60+ year old woman who was saying to me 'ana i am not getting one if you are not getting one' THE PRESSURE...

so off we go. straight to dare devil tattoos i think it's called. can't remember. we were drunk, at the pink pony next door eating french onion soup and snails getting ready to get a tattoo. now it's just there forever.

i wonder if the girl i saw today in coles in the cross's mother ever commented on her tattoo...

right above the ass, as she bent over her top lifted up to reveal in script 'DOGGY STYLE'

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