Thursday, November 19, 2009

number 232 pump the brakes

when you hang out with people for long enough, it's inevitable that you start talking like them. i work with 2 girls when i go to new york that are total needle in haystack type of people. carin eats the biggest turkey sandwiches, has to have a bag of chips with them and drinks this orange fizzy drink called 'MASH'. karleigh has the best american accent ever and is married to david who is terry richardson's assistant and travels with jack white documenting his tours, i am always like 'karleigh tell me more about alison (mosshart)!!'. both of them have the best legs you have ever seen and if you were laying in a ditch with only half your arm attached and didn't know who to call to come rescue you, you would call them to come and sew it back on for you.

so, i go back 2 times a year and work like a dog with these 2 girls, and get to say really fun things that they make up...i can't remember half of the amazing terms i have learnt from them, but the total winner is 'pump the brakes'. i do not know how i ever lived without this saying, and over the past month it has been on high rotation in my story telling and really every sentence that comes out of my mouth is finished with it.

susan miller so had to pump the brakes on what she was telling me for the months of october and november. i had to pump the brakes when i bumped into my friend helen, and the next thing i was trying on a wedding dress with the both of us saying 'hello, with red boots, stop it!!'...crazy stuff keeps happening when i say it out loud, so i need to totally pump the brakes and only wish for things like a navy ford capri and a money tree, all the really important things in life.

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