Monday, March 22, 2010

number 283 adieu phillippine

one trip to tokyo a while ago seems like a dream at times. i shared a room with 2 friends and i would wake up in the morning to one of them reading me excerpts from the motley crew biography, and the other telling me what i should and shouldn't wear. tokyo is a funny place, and when the 2 of them set off one afternoon to find things to fuel the party i couldn't help but say 'what do i do if you don't come back in an hour?' they both looked at each other 'dunno' they both said.

'be careful!!!!!'

so they of course returned, with the goods. more than enough goods for the small amount of time we had left in the city of flashing was a random night, and we knew that le baron had just opened in tokyo. the tribe of us entered. there was no one in there, and as we looked at the floor, a small man came up to us and put a large bottle of belvedere on the table...

'who the hell is that short dude?' 'dunno' we all looked at each other. oh well, drink it, i'll drink it it's free surely, lil ben and i said sub consciously to one another. while we slowly pieced the pieces together, and worked out that this was the beginning of one clever mans large step to internet fame and fortune, a camera came out...this man with the leather jacket and french accent was willing all of our first sexual encounters out of us on film, while fueling us with more of what ever type of liquid we really wanted.

as adieu phillippine played in the back ground, and i had divulged my story to the camera, the words 'hotel l'amore, more like hotel la bore!!!' not only spewed from my fellow room mates mouth, but so did a large whack to the head of pepe le pew's slicked head...god, how the hell are we going to get out of this one, when we are meant to be working this dude to get some sort of international cred.

early 2000 was a good time. no one knew anyone, the cobra snake did not exist and adieu phillippine played in the back of a tokyo club that was once completely empty...

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