Sunday, September 19, 2010

number 338 proposition

i like to go to this one market in new york. look around, and every time i really think i am going to find more guzzini animals, but i never do.

so i had started on my first slow round of the bottom floor. walked past this man who i thought asked me something, but i kept walking. i can't hear normally, but when he said again what he had clearly asked me the first time round in his barely audible whisper, i was like 'do you want something from me?'

then he held up what looked like 3 post cards. 'sorry i can't hear you.'

with the worst breath ever he showed me the post cards again...'i am a photographer, and i take photo's like this, i was wondering if you would like to pose for me?'

replica 30's nude photo's taken by a man with rotting teeth - um that would be NO!

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