there is also something to be said for agreeing to go in a gondola up a crazy mountain when you hate heights, have had no sleep, had gastro, and there is a spinning floor. for some reason, the agreeable in me agreed to do it. up the mountain we went, me pretending that the best place to look was the rotating floor, whilst trying to block the thoughts of the cables on the carriage snapping and me plunging to my death with a bunch of strangers and a lady with a big stick.
we made it. decided that a small hike down the back track of the snow capped mountain as davie crocker and pocahontas would be a good distraction whilst waiting to go straight back down that mountain. neither of us listened to the brides advice from last night that it would be cold up on that mountain, we needed those cardigans. as we entered the waiting area, to venture back down the mountain via gondola - we were approached by a lady with her stick.
'thank you for educating my 6 year old'??? in a stern audible whisper the lady with the stick delivered.
what???? pocohontas and davie looked at each other...oh, i get it. maybe pocohontas had forgotten that the locals weren't used to such short skirts with possibly not enough coverage. damn did she want to get us with that stick. i was scared, and we had 10 minutes in a very small confined space with this woman and her now 'educated' 6 year old.
rapidly we were ushered back into the gondola, making sure to stand as far away from sticky as possible.
that mountain had some crazy stuff going on, beyond angry stick lady - 2 ladies in white turbans, dancing on the spot in the gondola to the back ground music and a woman in a red polka dot bikini waiting to go back up the mountain as we were exiting. wait until stick lady encountered the polka dots...
***mountain lions, stick ladies and white turbans palm springs 2010
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