people don't seem to realise how much fun a place that is empty, plays great old music and has a photo booth can be. when we relentlessly say that we are going to vegas on a saturday night, people are like, 'where??' jac left, she had had enough. hot ken was no where to be seen and clearly all of bena and my attempts of kissing her and laughing at her amazing sexy dancing was not enough for her to keep the fire alive with me and my old partner in crime.
'3 tequila shot's please' i ask...'no shot's allowed'...bena's suggestion of jaeger on the rocks did not go down so well 'I TOLD YOU, NO DRINKS WITHOUT MIXERS!' so much anger behind the bar...really we just wanted some change for the photo shoot we were about to embark on. small amounts of nudity in the photo booth are kind of fun right - forking out another $8 is nothing especially if the first set of photo's that come out half of your heads are missing and you all seem to have a lazy eye. but when it's only your nude part that shows in 2nd set, you lose, and end up having to give that little prized strip to someone else...all of a sudden $16 for 8 tiny photo's when you are flat broke is a lot of coffee.
back to next door and some more spinning around by ourselves. we decide to leave. bump into maggy's friend elliot who was keen to see what i was holding onto. 'where is ana?', 'oh, i don't feature too much in that one' bena looks and smiles at the thought of the hidden copy she has in her bag...'but she does feature in this one!' tadar!!! i'm like ok, you have seen enough of that part of my anatomy now young man...hand it back. 'oh i just want to have another look, i didn't quite get to see.'
elliot leaves, and we decide the next step to complete 'best night ever' was a muesli cookie. cross the road. walk, stop, double take and look at each other - bena is like 'i have no film left', i pull out my camera...
next step...'excuse me young man, would you mind if i take your photo?' willingly leans up against the lamp post and looks straight into that lense down and to the side...'what's it for?' bena is like oh no...'well i have a casting agency and that means if someone comes to me and says, we are looking for handsome young men with long hair and i say i have just the boy, you potentially get a million dollars, so you want to maybe earn a million bucks or not?' bena's jaw drops...'i'd also like to take a photo of your friend'...'could i have a kiss on the cheek' bena's mouth drops even more...'well hmm, no i don't think you could have a kiss on the cheek, but maybe i could...' soft and sweet kiss on the cheek received. 'call me tomorrow baby' cyrus says in his best elvis voice...
best night ever bena...all just for you! and you birthday guy but you went home too early!
1 comment:
Yes, maybe she's back...but where are the pictures that are supposed to accompany this entry? It's kind of like watching New Moon...half missing.
oh wow my secret word verification is pattiess. Thats your new name... Patties.
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