so i lied and said i had never lost my wallet before to my new lovely friend that now knew every single thing about my life - why i now felt i had to pretend i was not vague or get lost in shopping frenzies was crazy...she new it was not lost, and as i called the shop where we knew it was at 11pm, and the woman answered saying 'we have been waiting for you' i was like, wow, what the fuck is that girl still doing there sewing buttons on things at 11pm on a thursday night in -500 degrees.
anyway. i got my wallet back...happy i do not have to cancel any cards, and really value the $200 that was still in there. i now sit in my new home, with my new jumper and a teddy bears picnic (yes the guy that i am subletting from is some sort of person that at approximately the age of 43 and hetrosexual needs the comfort of numerous teddy bears above his bed that i had to squash into a box so they didn't stare at me when i slept) is fun here.

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