Saturday, February 28, 2009

number 121 where have all the male blondes gone

i never really take first picks on the blondes, but it is because they don't make them like this any more...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

number 120 ye ole school

New York City my shitty birthday October 2006

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

number 119 no bullshit

number 119 paper rainbow

number 118 chill blains

i used to get in so much trouble when i was a teenager for the most stupid things. i have no idea why, but it used to drive my mum nuts when i would not get out of my uniform when i got home from school. who knows what the deal was, but if i was stomping around at 7pm in that stupid party dress uniform, there was hell to pay. i also used to get totally busted for not wearing ugg boots or slippers in the winter. i hated both of them. my feet would get sweaty and i didn't like the feel of the wool on my toes. jennie would bang on about getting chill blains if i was walking around in the middle of winter with no slippers on. as a 14 year old, i didn't really give a shit about some illness that had to do with not wearing slippers, and slotted in the 'piles' category of illnesses.

well, now that i have been bearing the brunt of a cold cold winter here in new york city...i had to get a refresh from jennie on what chill blains actually are, their symptoms, and remedy, as i think i have them on my small little left ear (due to a shift in hair style, now exposing that left ear, which has never seen the light of day). jennie's cover was blown as an expert in the old chill blain front. her response 'i have no idea what a chill blain feels like or how you get it' - cover blown! the power struggle of teenager to parent is so clear these days.

well, i do have chill blains on my left ear - so does pantera the more exposed ears for me in this chilling weather.

number 117 plump dump

Saturday, February 21, 2009

number 116 wear it well

this brings back so many memories

Friday, February 20, 2009

number 115 www

life is pretty strange when you are looking on youtube randomly, and see a picture of yourself advertising something (for someone that you have no idea about or have never even met in your life ) in the related video's column. i am like, how the hell am i related to devil inside inxs??? now that is weird.

number 114 wowzers the hunger

Monday, February 9, 2009

number 113 will the bank notice??

do you think if i maybe purchase those pair of red margiela shoes, and a very small lanvin red handbag before i sign my life away to owning an apartment on darlinghurst road...

what have i done!!! welcome me home with open arms sydney - or if anyone wants to rent an amazing apartment email me IMMEDIATELY!!!!

it's good, really good.!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

number 110 lost lost lost

i lied tonight. i never lie, and we had had a really full on day. rewarding ourselves with a lovely dinner, all of the rest of the day that involved running around with kilo's of clothes to return in sub zero temperatures was forgotten. until, i realised that i had lost my wallet. this is where i lied. i have only ever properly lost my wallet once before, and it was because i was stupidly so naughty that i couldn't even remember my name and had clearly dropped it in the taxi whilst telling au how amazing the moon was, and how much fun we had had previously.

so i lied and said i had never lost my wallet before to my new lovely friend that now knew every single thing about my life - why i now felt i had to pretend i was not vague or get lost in shopping frenzies was crazy...she new it was not lost, and as i called the shop where we knew it was at 11pm, and the woman answered saying 'we have been waiting for you' i was like, wow, what the fuck is that girl still doing there sewing buttons on things at 11pm on a thursday night in -500 degrees.

anyway. i got my wallet back...happy i do not have to cancel any cards, and really value the $200 that was still in there. i now sit in my new home, with my new jumper and a teddy bears picnic (yes the guy that i am subletting from is some sort of person that at approximately the age of 43 and hetrosexual needs the comfort of numerous teddy bears above his bed that i had to squash into a box so they didn't stare at me when i slept) is fun here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

number 109 snow and baby cakes

someone who hasn't been able to have a cup cake in 3 years was very happy when it was a blizzard outside and i took her here...

number 108 forgotten

so i had forgotten how much i had written on this...and was looking at other blogs realising that comments aren't that common - and i was like hang on a minute, i had hate mail once on my blog - so i am posting it again, because it was so long ago, and i just read over it and was like damn this is some good here goes, who hated me?? come on own up now...PLEASE!!!!

Prematurely wrinkled aged bitches. With nothing better to do then dance unattractively in clowny try hard outfits. Thinking how cute and alluring you look, as if the odd person that may happen to notice you by accident is really going to buy the 'I don't care, I am just really free and happy' bullshit.
So awkward.

NOVEMBER 26, 2007 5:16 PM

Monday, February 2, 2009

number 107 jet fucking lag

what is with this...i have had a big night the first night i got here. stupidly didn't get the stash of pills that i had in storage when i went up there to get my doona and freaked out that some man was going to get me, and i would have to lock myself in my storage locker till the morning - hence i left missing a boot, and no valium...

now, i lay in bed after being up at 550am, working till 730pm - have drunk sake, half a bottle of wine, and taken 2 advil pm's...hello - wide awake!

sleep please let me sleep now...