Sunday, January 4, 2009

number 88 where to begin

2009 all fine, 2009 all mine, 2009 no more wine...i can't remember any more of the 2009 rhymes we made up - but 2009 day number 1 should have been 2009, lets rewind.

after a very very sensible evening prior, we had some sort of lapse in what we thought the 1st of January would actually bring us - meaning, there is such a thing as a human zoo, and it was happening at the ice bergs on this very day.

i was late. and felt stressed because i knew i was the only one that had a true sense of what was to come. seeing jd's small little face, trapped in some very small space beside the dj booth was the first indication that, i had falsely advertised the idea of 2009 all fine! squashed by the likes of people named paris, and cheyanne, i wondered who ate all the fucking calamari??

her bff did for sure!

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