I had crazy dreams last night, someone in my house attacked me and wanted to kill me...it all came to a pleasant end, as my phone rang to someone wanting something from me, and me saying in a slumber, no that is the LA office...clearly not thinking that it was potentially madonna calling me wanting to know where her 20 pairs of sunglasses that I have promised her are!! yes true.
anyway, it was fedex...wanting to clear up an address that I had in my frazzled state written the numbers down back the front - another important package, to another important member of society, mgmt's manager, and other half (already given the cute one clothes in person)...so, i am saying to the man on the other end of the line...'it is to be delivered to Death and Glory'...and the guy keeps repeating 'BLANK AND GLORY' and i am like 'NO IT'S DEATH AND GLORY you know death, to die'...and he repeats 'yes, blank and glory'...i pause before saying the same stupid thing again. this is not making any sense...blank and glory??@??@...he says 'maam, i can't say that word but we are talking about the same place'...i am like 'what word can't you say, i don't get it, it is not some code, i just want to make sure this package is going to the right place, the company is not called blank and glory'.
then it all clicks. he can't say the word death for some crazy assed reason at 7.05am...i am like 'ok yes it is going to BLANK AND GLORY' you crazy person!
begin wednesday 07 30 08...blank and glory
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