10.49pm friday night.
pretty much i felt like i was going to die today. believing the old trick of thinking that someone spiked my drink because really i didn't drink that much and that is the total cause for me purging the last month of good times from my body and sleeping until 6pm.
i thought that the day could not get any better after feeling totally recovered with the aid of noodle soup until just then. i am back in bed. and just about to fall asleep and my door buzzer goes off. 'hello??' i say. 'oh hi, can you let us in.' the male voice says..'what unit do you want to go to??' the only familiarity of the voice is recognition of maybe someone that lives in my back street.
'we want to go to unit...um, 16.'
'well there are only 15 units, so i am not letting you in'. i go back to bed.
'can you please let us in'
'um no'
'ok, why do you want to get in so bad?'
'oh i just want to do a nudie run through your building'
'oh right, a nudie run. what's your name?'
'well jamie, i can't let you in, but you can run nude past my window if you want'
'ok - which is your window~!!!, the left one or the right one'
are you for real!!! and they are still buzzing my buzzer!
amazing - 2010 is off to a good start