last night i was lured to a bar called le pearle by a bunch of men, one in particular who has a fashion label, the other a jewelry designer, another who said the other day...'if i were a woman', and another who proceeded to do the most spot on runway impersonations of models sacha and vlada that i had ever seen (whilst in a pale blue mongolian lamb coat). this lure was like one of those very pretty ones with gorgeous feathers, that would make even the strongest of trout on an upstream mission shift course - a bar that was meant to be filled with handsome straight men.
arrive at destination. memories come flooding back from 6 years ago. i knew this bar, but i knew it as the cafe where yes, i did see a bunch of very handsome young dior model type boys at the time, but none of them straight or over the age of 12. hence i went straight to the bar. on my way back outside, i was approached by one young man...'blah blah blah oui?' i am like 'vous parlez englais?'...'you like the gang bang?', hmm i thought...this could be a funny faux pas on his language barrier behalf, as i had just been with one of the bang gang boys a few nights ago...'ok, you have 2 options here, and i am going to say, do you mean to say do you like the bang gang dj's?' he looks and me and very definately says 'non le gang bang is what i mean'...'oh...lets just clear this one up. are you asking me if i like the dj's or are you asking me if i like to have sex with multiple partners in turn, cause all of a sudden i think it is the latter...'
very quickly that language barrier was totally bulldozed down. 'oui, your friend like the gang bang?'...i say 'i am going to answer for her on this one um NO, my friend and i do not like the gang bang!' feast or famine on the old sexy time as my friend would say...or a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...
maybe i should stick to going to le tango, instead of le pearle.