Tuesday, September 30, 2008

number 72 le bang gang

last night i was lured to a bar called le pearle by a bunch of men, one in particular who has a fashion label, the other a jewelry designer, another who said the other day...'if i were a woman', and another who proceeded to do the most spot on runway impersonations of models sacha and vlada that i had ever seen (whilst in a pale blue mongolian lamb coat). this lure was like one of those very pretty ones with gorgeous feathers, that would make even the strongest of trout on an upstream mission shift course - a bar that was meant to be filled with handsome straight men.

arrive at destination. memories come flooding back from 6 years ago. i knew this bar, but i knew it as the cafe where yes, i did see a bunch of very handsome young dior model type boys at the time, but none of them straight or over the age of 12. hence i went straight to the bar. on my way back outside, i was approached by one young man...'blah blah blah oui?' i am like 'vous parlez englais?'...'you like the gang bang?', hmm i thought...this could be a funny faux pas on his language barrier behalf, as i had just been with one of the bang gang boys a few nights ago...'ok, you have 2 options here, and i am going to say, do you mean to say do you like the bang gang dj's?' he looks and me and very definately says 'non le gang bang is what i mean'...'oh...lets just clear this one up. are you asking me if i like the dj's or are you asking me if i like to have sex with multiple partners in turn, cause all of a sudden i think it is the latter...'

very quickly that language barrier was totally bulldozed down. 'oui, your friend like the gang bang?'...i say 'i am going to answer for her on this one um NO, my friend and i do not like the gang bang!' feast or famine on the old sexy time as my friend would say...or a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...

maybe i should stick to going to le tango, instead of le pearle.

number 71 blue bird

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

number 70 see the world

look what someone just sent me...

i have no idea who - but so good

Friday, September 19, 2008

number 69 days of birth

september is so hard for remembering birthdays, and i always get miss rose wright zawada's WRONG - but i think i made up for it yesterday with a wonderful interpretive dance version of happy birthday video message. anyway - it is 2 not just 1, but 2 of the hottest, coolest, smartest, craziest, oldest friends of mines birthdays this week.

we have shared births, marriages, deaths all together, and they are my family.

so let me tell you how they came into my life...jacqueline susan thompson came to my high school in year 9. when all the other crazy girls in our group turned on her, i was like, do not worry sister, i am with you, lets blow these crazy bitches!...she wore loads of makeup, she was smart, boys loved her, she once wore 2 different shoes to a formal, she had this long crazy blonde hair and looked like jerry hall. we used to write notes and stick them on boys cars, i would leave her behind anywhere, and she would randomly just turn up in the morning with stories that would make your dad want to go out kill someone...why i didn't worry about her was only because she knew her shit! then...

i got this massive crush on this boy...jacqui was there when it happened. i saw this boy from across the room and i was like, i love him. it was bad, a really bad crush. he had a girlfriend but one thing led to another, and i found myself driving around in a valiant with dismembered mannequins and 2 boys who wore makeup and laughed like girls. little did i know that this boy, had a hidden secret - a 16 year old sister with an amelie black bob, and the appropriate 16 year old attitude. she didn't go to school, she went to college, she had a hot boyfriend, baked cakes and drew cute pictures. was it the fact that we both found out we had coloured in our adidas shell toes pink that the immediate kindred spirit was created? i have no idea...she had a name that made you want to like her like marshmallows and roses. she knew how to sew, she lived in the cutest little room with a family of kittens that lived out side of it. her name was annie rose wright...and those tiny memories seem like a lifetime ago.

so this is them...jac, annie - happiest of birthdays to you EVER!

Monday, September 15, 2008

number 68 separated at birth

oh what damage and fun can be done...

Monday, September 8, 2008

number 67 going to the chapel

it's started...i love weddings. especially in the summer time...

Friday, September 5, 2008

number 65 fashion

i was waiting for the fun of fashion week to start and the true adrenalin to kick in, but yesterday when i opted for gossiping on the couch instead of lugging my ass down to a fashion party i was like, i am getting old. my phone rang at 6.45am, i answered, ready for some model booker to tell me all the girls i had confirmed would not be available...instead it was james, looking for little benny making me get out out my bed to look in the bunk room to make sure he was still alive.

as i saw that bed still neatly made up, and james wanted to blah on about how he pissed in benny's bag and tell me that he though i was really fun, i was like - god, let me please go back to sleep for that 10 more minutes, prior to having to look at a zillion more models today and not snigger at the clothes i am witnessing these overpaid skinny wear and really try and rationalise the importance of freja as an essential to the william rast show.

hence it had started. a missing house member, and the discovery of a hilarious text message notifying me that there was a naked boy on our couch i had neglected to see as i searched for benny was another indication that the fun times had begun...

who was the naked man?

the other 2 sneakies that i lived with picked his pocket and giggled their way back to the bedroom...knowing exactly who this was. an email telling me all the fun i had missed out on by staying at home and finally my body kicking in to not wanting to sleep tonight makes me hum over and over again....

There's a brand new dance
But I don't know it's name
That people from bad homes
Do again and again
It's big and it's bland
Full tension and fear
They do it over there
But we don't do it here...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

number 64 so proud

hell - o...

number 63 visitors

there have been so many...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

number 62 plunging necklines and a denim overall

i know i tell long stories sometimes, but this has to be explained. it involved a day a couple of weeks ago, with a hangover, a clearly bad outfit that featured on a wish to be deleted street style blog, project runway, and the reality of life in the big city.

i had a day of sewing this installation for a friend in a stinking hot room. on my way to the bank i was asked for a photo and to comment on my style for the day...no comment was the answer to the question 'would you like to comment on your outfit'...so when my phone rang much later in the day to another friend wanting me to double time it uptown to help him possibly get into project runway - i was like 'of course i will come up there and put on some dress'.

as i stood in a hotel, next to my friend in silence as some tv guy over enthusiastically went into the logistics of where we were to stand when we walked into the room, all of a sudden it dawned on me that i might be making my 2nd television appearance since double dare.

as the doors opened and i was shoved into a room filled with lights and cameras and action, i stood there in my plunging sequin dress in front of the 3 project runway judges. i didn't even hear what they were saying - all i could think about was how my mum will know that i have a tattoo on my chest after all these years of denying my body was uninked.

anyway, my friend made the cut (yep he is going to win project runway in the next season), and i was like, i will make the cutting floor no problems...until this message came through the other day...! damn that photo reminding me to say no to street blogs. a reality check on running out the door and saying yes to a quick little street snap, and a no to signing of release forms!!!