Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
number 85 i got the moves
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
number 83 signs
i love talking about signs and when you tell the story of your symbolism every one is like 'woah no way' and you say 'YES!!' well that is the way i tell those stories and how people react. just like the time i opened my door to let a giant wolf with ice blue eyes enter my home sit down and smile at mia and me. mia thought it was her grandpa, i thought it was, well i didn't know who the fuck it was...then within the next 10 hours, i had been stalked by a raven at 4am, whilst locked out of my house...only to wake up the next day, walk up the street, and be followed by the biggest freak to known to man. if i hadn't accosted these 2 walking women (telling them they had to stop ignoring me and needed to help me because this man was going to capture me and put me down his well), i might still be down that well...anyway, i read up..signs, symbolism, wolf, raven CREEP?? they were very poignant of the time that i was going through, and i still say 'YES!!!!' at the end of the story every time when people said, 'no, was it a real wolf??'
so, when i woke up the other morning to go take my little bike for a spin, what do you know? a sign in my bike basket, and surrounding my bike!! fun!
hmm, i wonder if google will tell me what the sign is for unopened condoms, and a bike surrounded by red rose petals? could it mean luuuuuuurve?
so, when i woke up the other morning to go take my little bike for a spin, what do you know? a sign in my bike basket, and surrounding my bike!! fun!
hmm, i wonder if google will tell me what the sign is for unopened condoms, and a bike surrounded by red rose petals? could it mean luuuuuuurve?
number 82 no excite
we had a car, it picked us up, we went in the rain, we were excited, we got in the lift with bruce willis, we pinched ourselves because sometimes you forget where you are actually at with your life...like what happens next? you play on david letterman and then what? shall we now call obama perhaps? doesn't feel real, and i only put the clothes on and made sure none of the millions of people could see up her short skirt...scary! that is all i could think, what happens if her arms lift up fast and you can see right up? what would i have done?
lucky, she didn't lift her arms too high..

lucky, she didn't lift her arms too high..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
number 79 amaaazing

so it was my birthday and as much as i thought no one could match my dancing birthday message - this one came through better late than never.
damn they kicked my ass on the old presents that don't cost any money front...check out the exclamation mark! zoom in on those socks! my favorite letters are, the B and the T in 'birthday'...amazing.
thank you husband and wife zawada wrights i miss you
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
number 77 fresh off the boat new ifould

when you hear things coming out of your mouth that maybe your mum would say it is a totally scary realisation. so god damn cliche to say it is unavoidable that you turn into your parents...oh well i guess as much as my mum jennie can tell the same stories and say funny things sometimes, it's not the worst thing that could happen to the world - another hybrid version of her walking around, just a bit smaller, and more varied.
jennie still tells me i can do what ever i wanted and that i am going to be great at it. she loves anyone i love. she once told me as i was standing in the luggage department of david jones, trying to choose a suitcase to pack my whole world into, and could see that i was about to say, you know what i can't move away, because none of these suitcases are right, why don't they just have any plain black ones....she just turns to me and says 'darling it is going to be and adventure!'
so, as she told me over and over again last night that my new niece had 'extraordinarily large feet' for a one minute old baby i had to laugh. then she said, 'well she will just be an individual, even if she does have massive feet'...nuts.
then she tells me that baby edie lucia looks like me! you be the judge of that.
Monday, October 13, 2008
number 75 jardin
i rode around paris. and i rode to the jardin luxenbourge. i pretty much knew i was maybe not allowed to ride around in there, so i entered the garden casually pushing my bike past the 2 garden police. as the coast was clear, i couldn't help myself. it was like small piece of absolute dream perfectness. the flowers were so pink, the grass was so green and the wind was so soft that i got straight on that bike and rode my little ass around and around that garden.
see, you can ride your bike in here i was wrong, feeling all whimsical and romantic, until then...MADAME!! MADAME!!! i thought i would ignore it at first, but i couldn't really as he started running after me. it did go though my head that i could out ride this garden policeman who was intent on ruining my garden bike ride, and it would have been really funny - but the fear of french authority got the better of me, so i disembarked my vehicle with a big smile and a sweet 'pardon monsieur'...i had to walk the rest of the way..hello, boring.
see, you can ride your bike in here i was wrong, feeling all whimsical and romantic, until then...MADAME!! MADAME!!! i thought i would ignore it at first, but i couldn't really as he started running after me. it did go though my head that i could out ride this garden policeman who was intent on ruining my garden bike ride, and it would have been really funny - but the fear of french authority got the better of me, so i disembarked my vehicle with a big smile and a sweet 'pardon monsieur'...i had to walk the rest of the way..hello, boring.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
number 72 le bang gang

last night i was lured to a bar called le pearle by a bunch of men, one in particular who has a fashion label, the other a jewelry designer, another who said the other day...'if i were a woman', and another who proceeded to do the most spot on runway impersonations of models sacha and vlada that i had ever seen (whilst in a pale blue mongolian lamb coat). this lure was like one of those very pretty ones with gorgeous feathers, that would make even the strongest of trout on an upstream mission shift course - a bar that was meant to be filled with handsome straight men.
arrive at destination. memories come flooding back from 6 years ago. i knew this bar, but i knew it as the cafe where yes, i did see a bunch of very handsome young dior model type boys at the time, but none of them straight or over the age of 12. hence i went straight to the bar. on my way back outside, i was approached by one young man...'blah blah blah oui?' i am like 'vous parlez englais?'...'you like the gang bang?', hmm i thought...this could be a funny faux pas on his language barrier behalf, as i had just been with one of the bang gang boys a few nights ago...'ok, you have 2 options here, and i am going to say, do you mean to say do you like the bang gang dj's?' he looks and me and very definately says 'non le gang bang is what i mean'...'oh...lets just clear this one up. are you asking me if i like the dj's or are you asking me if i like to have sex with multiple partners in turn, cause all of a sudden i think it is the latter...'
very quickly that language barrier was totally bulldozed down. 'oui, your friend like the gang bang?'...i say 'i am going to answer for her on this one um NO, my friend and i do not like the gang bang!' feast or famine on the old sexy time as my friend would say...or a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...
maybe i should stick to going to le tango, instead of le pearle.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
number 69 days of birth

september is so hard for remembering birthdays, and i always get miss rose wright zawada's WRONG - but i think i made up for it yesterday with a wonderful interpretive dance version of happy birthday video message. anyway - it is 2 not just 1, but 2 of the hottest, coolest, smartest, craziest, oldest friends of mines birthdays this week.
we have shared births, marriages, deaths all together, and they are my family.
so let me tell you how they came into my life...jacqueline susan thompson came to my high school in year 9. when all the other crazy girls in our group turned on her, i was like, do not worry sister, i am with you, lets blow these crazy bitches!...she wore loads of makeup, she was smart, boys loved her, she once wore 2 different shoes to a formal, she had this long crazy blonde hair and looked like jerry hall. we used to write notes and stick them on boys cars, i would leave her behind anywhere, and she would randomly just turn up in the morning with stories that would make your dad want to go out kill someone...why i didn't worry about her was only because she knew her shit! then...
i got this massive crush on this boy...jacqui was there when it happened. i saw this boy from across the room and i was like, i love him. it was bad, a really bad crush. he had a girlfriend but one thing led to another, and i found myself driving around in a valiant with dismembered mannequins and 2 boys who wore makeup and laughed like girls. little did i know that this boy, had a hidden secret - a 16 year old sister with an amelie black bob, and the appropriate 16 year old attitude. she didn't go to school, she went to college, she had a hot boyfriend, baked cakes and drew cute pictures. was it the fact that we both found out we had coloured in our adidas shell toes pink that the immediate kindred spirit was created? i have no idea...she had a name that made you want to like her like marshmallows and roses. she knew how to sew, she lived in the cutest little room with a family of kittens that lived out side of it. her name was annie rose wright...and those tiny memories seem like a lifetime ago.
so this is them...jac, annie - happiest of birthdays to you EVER!
Monday, September 15, 2008
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