halloween started with it being my birthday and a new city, where things are taken quite seriously. having experienced the festivities last year, ending up totally high and walking out of mother fucker with make up running down my face and my friends kim and stevie being all...it's your birthday you can't...things took a turn for the better this year.
i didn't realise that the days leading up to the 31st meant dressing up also. as i walked into lit, this guy yells out to me 'who do you think i am', and i am like 'STEVE URWIN!!', and he was like, 'NO IDIOT! Indiana Jones', then seeing E.T in a basket on the front of a bmx, and daft punk, we were like, hmm, there is more to this than sluts and dracula...
by 9pm and deadlines of parties nearing, and not one costume in sight, the sleepy one who only drinks absinthe, remembered the suitcase in the corner possibly contained more than just nothing. come to life, a horse, jenny kee, an indian, a giant rabbit, some sort of asian clockwork orange thing and a random in a black bob wig!
neck face opening aside, meeting up with owen wilson, complete with as he put it, 'wrist vagina's' and a few others, we make our way to the v party. i get left with owen, who can't be assed sitting in the traffic, so we go to home sweet home...my drink is spiked and as i stumble out, with owen's last words being, 'don't get raped honey', and i am like i am fine, and then fall flat on my face...hello safe
long and short, i miss the v party, and the horse spending the rest of the night on the stage at the box...
happy birthday scruffy